Sunday, July 12, 2020

Shortest Backpack in History

I don’t know if I could apply to Guinness Book of World Records or anything, but a half mile walk is certainly the shortest distance I’ve ever gone for anything I would dare call a “hike” – much less a backpack. But this was my four year old grandson’s very first backpack, so a half mile was what I would call perfect. 

If only the weather could have been perfect too. But we all know how finicky July can be in the Great Northwest…especially before the fourth. I promised my daughter it was going to clear up, so she agreed to come with to help out. She should know to never trust me. 

“I’m sure once we get to the island (Orcas Island if you’re wondering) it’s going to be sunny. It’s always better weather in the San Juans,” was my promise to my increasingly doubtful daughter. I swear it was positive thinking and not me trying to be deceptive…but it did turn out to be a big fat lie. 


“It’s a good day for rain!” was Liam’s decoration as he bounded off into the woods with the excitement and enthusiasm that belong only to the very young.  “I want to be more like Liam,” my grumpy, wet and cold daughter announced. Don’t we all.

Though still wet and cold, neither of us could remain grumpy while in the presence of Liam’s delight.  Plus, what a view! We even scored the best spot. (IMO…even if you have a lot of foot traffic going through your camp down to the beach. Though for Liam, that was the best part. In his innocent mind, everyone is a friend who wants to hear ALL the things. And really, who doesn’t want to be asked what their favorite animal is?)

When it was all said and done, I must say that Obstruction State Park may be one of my favorite places ever. A few things to keep in mind if you ever go: 1) You are taking a risk of not getting a spot. First come spots only, and not getting a spot would be a real big bummer with the effort and expense it takes to get there. I think it was $75 total for the ferry. 2) All your water needs to be hauled in, which is not a big deal considering the easy hike. But forgetting to bring it would be, again, a big fat bummer. 3) No bear lockers, and the raccoons are a problem. We named the local resident “Mr. Toilet Paper” because he tried to steal our’s right out of our tent. (While we were in the tent! Kind of terrifying for a four year old, but now it’s one of the many things he will tell you about if you happen to walk by ;)) And last but not least 4) You need a child with you for the full experience of looking for crabs and spotting starfish and for reminding you that any day can be a good day, rain or not. Happy trails!

We even got some sun eventually. Maybe I can be trusted after all 😉

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