Sunday, April 28, 2024

Ancient Lakes Expectations

To be honest, my expectations were quite low. "Ancient" in my mind equals worn out, decrepit, I knew these lakes were pretty much poisoned by agricultural run off. Basically I was imagining a big expanse of desert area with several large mud puddles. 
Julie and her new stuffie, "Basil"

But spring backpacking beggars can't be choosers - the list is short in Washington for getting out there in April. So when my buddies invited me to come along to Eastern Washington for our first backpack of the year, I was coming - low expectations and all. And the truth is, we really only need each other to have a good time. 

Knowing that we only needed to hike in a couple miles, we packed luxuries like chairs and a ukulele; plus lots of water since you can't even filter from those nasty lakes. Pulling into the packed parking lot, we knew we would have lots of company. It was a beautiful weekend, and we certainly aren't the only hiking beggars in this state who were desperate for their tent time fix. 

Right away I was taken in by the beauty. How could I have forgotten that an "expansive desert" has it's own appeal and a very unique charm. As we approached the first lake (which as you can see was gorgeous and nothing like a mud puddle) we started seeing the large groupings of campers - here, there, and everywhere!

But the cool thing was, because of this expansiveness, you could put your tent up pretty much anywhere you wanted. It reminded me a little of going to Shi Shi Beach. VERY different aesthetics of course, but the same sort of communal feel. 

They are a couple now, BTW. Expect babies soon! ;)

So even though we were there with probably over a hundred other people, we felt very snug and private on our little hilltop spot. Well, private until you had to pee; and snug until the wind picked up during the night. Although more lovely than I expected, the Ancient Lakes area does have it's downfalls. 

Sammy wanted a new ride ;)

And though my low expectations also included "too easy and no challenge," the extra miles we did up to the waterfall and then the next day around a loop that went up to the ridge line were anything but! Just difficult enough to feel a little thrilling (but not at all for kids, IMO) this trip was the perfect appetizer for what I hope is a hiking season with lots of miles that exceed all expectations. Happy "ancient can be a good thing" trails.

PS: We stopped at "Sage Hills" on our way home, and I have to say that hike really was a disappointment. It's good for the quick IG pic, but what you don't see is the power lines/adjacent neighborhood complete with incessantly barking dog/bikers whizzing by...we turned around after less than a half mile. If you have extra time, I think it would be better spent exploring the Wenatchee riverfront area. We ate a few blocks above it, at the McGlinn's Public House's adorable outdoor seating area, which I highly recommend. (Just not the crab cakes. Save your seafood orders for Western Washington!) 
It's pretty as long as you don't look behind you ;)

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